Monday, March 3, 2008


Cathedral by Raymond Carver was a confusing story. THe husband confused me at the begining as to why he was so skeptycal about the old blind man coming for a visit. He was complelty against it, not wanting to know about him or learn anything about this man that was such an important part of his wifes life.
I noticed that the relationship between the man and his wife was strained. Were they together becasue they loved eachother? It did not appear so, it seemed to me that they were together becuase it was comfortable, it was a "convient" marriage. His wife did not talk to him the way she talked to Robert. The man did not appear to be effected by this, but maybe subconsiously, that was why he was so put out by Robert staying with them.
THe man had placed every stereotype on Robert, being a blind man, as he could. When Robert showed up, the man realized that they were all wrong. He had a beard, a beard! He also smoked, drank, and watched t.v. THe man was amazed. I noticed that he Robert got much closer when they started smoking dope. They had a bit of a connection that the wife did not have with Robert, and seemed at the end, offended by it.
My favorite part was the end of the story, when they drew the cathedral. This up tight man who had drawn so many conclusions to the blind man was now completly changed. His opinions were switched and he took the role of beinh blind. He had time to realize that while he couldnt see anything, he was the most peaceful he had ever been. He was someone new, and he liked it.
During this story there were many different characteristics. There was jealousy, comfort, and bonding.

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