Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Good Man is Hard to Find

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor started out as a tough read. Starting with the first paragraph, I was confused to who the characters were, what their intentions were and who the narrartor was. After reading a little further I started to identify with the characters, and the story line became more clear. WIth talk of the crazy misfit, I knew something was going to go wrong.
THe grandmother was over talkative, which lead her to her horrible fate, and the fate of her family. Her over talkative ways got her into trouble with her sone Bailey, who was not at all the type of person I would want to have a conversation with. The grandmother was the type of perosn to over do things, embelish the truth, her outfit for the car ride, was a good beginning to the rest of her story.
It interested me when the car crashed and no one was greatly harmed. Once again, with the grandmother over doing everything, she flagged down a car in the distance, that had seen everything. The misfit had arrived, and the story got better. Killing the family off one by one, leaving the grandmother for last. The grandmother was pushing how the misfit had good blood and all he had to do was pray. Pray pray pray. Pray to jesus and his life will get better. Pray that he could be saved, and she would be to.
THe grandmothers last words confused me, I did not know if when she refered to the misfit as her child, if she was talking as herself, or if someone, something was talking for her. It did not seem like something she would say, or that she would touch his face, which seemed to be what had done her in.
The chapter we are on is about heros, yet there have been no heroic endings where all ends well. I guess in a real story with a hero, all does not end well, there is a hero, but he/ she might die as well, or get harmed trying to help others.

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