Thursday, March 20, 2008

Unit 2: Haunted Houses; "Bone Black"

The introduction to chapter five talks about different relationships, mainly those between children and their parents. Some are benefitial and children grow and learn from it, while others are failing. This chapter is said to have stories about different relationships, and sense of longings, such as in communities, or extended faimlies. I am excited to start a new chapter and to discuss different ideas in literature.

These are chapters 49 through 51 from "Bone Black" by Bell Hooks. "Bone Black" was an interesting story. I really enjoyed reading this story. This story being narrarted by the daughter was very well written in my opinion. It interested me that it was narrareted by the daughter and instead of calling her mother and father by, mother and father, they were always talked about as, he she that woman or that man.

This story was about a daughter witnessing the destrcution of her mother. Her father was an evil man who beat her mother all the time. THe part that seemd to confuse the daughter was that the mother would never stand up for herself, and that her siblings would never try to fight back. She never felt comfortable leaving her mother while her father was yelling and beating her. She always wanted to fight back for her mother. The father was the type of man who thought that the man was always right. The man was in charge of the family and everything he said goes. He was a better cook, better cleaner, better at everything but he still left it all up to his wife. He was a horrible man.

THe ending confused me, why the mother went back to his house after everything. THe man almost killed her and yet she still went back to him, and threatened her daughter with him. She threw her daughter back into what had hurt her. THe mother was being hurt so it seemed that she was taking the hurt out on her daughter. Instead of fighting back or dealing with the pain, she hurt her daughter in the same ways that the man hurt her.

1 comment:

Clary said...

Good analysis Jordan. As always, I want to know more about what you think. What made this story well written? Why did Hooks use he, she, woman, man instead of the more informal mother/father? Is the father's role a common one? What do you know about women in abusive relationships. Is this behavior common? Why do women tolerate such abuse? Always try to take your good ideas even further.