Monday, February 11, 2008

Power of Myth

The Power of Myth with Joesph Campbell was interesting at first, the idea behind it was interesting and in a better setting it would have been great. THe idea of talking about his heros and who he had modeled himself after was intriguing but his tone was a little boring. When he was talking I couldn't figure out how excited he was to be discussing something that in words he was so interested in, there just didnt seem to be anything to really pull me in. I liked when he was talking about the different books and referencing them to real life, and talking about famous religous leaders and their obsticales and temptations.

1 comment:

Clary said...

Hi Jordan
Wish I could have been there to share the greatest of these two guys. At any rate, I'm looking for your post on "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"

Also, please plan to meet for class on Tuesday at 12pm to make up a class period.