Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lady With Lapdog

"Lady With Lapdog" by Anton Chekhov is a fictional short story set in the late 1800's in Russia. The story was narrated by the main character, Dmirty Dmiritch Gurov, who was an unfaithful womanizing macho man. At the beggining of the story Dmirty talked about how he despised his wife, talking about her with such a hatred in his voice "narrow minded and inelegant, he was afriad of her and disliked being at home." He thought of all woman as a "lower breed." He didnt seem to be able to respect woman on any level, he couldnt stand to be faithful to one, yet he cant stand to stay around men for so long because they are boring. Dmirty seems to be full of himself and cant stand to let anyone else be better than him.

Dmirty is staying at Yalta, which seems to be a place for sick, wealthy, people in Russia. While he is there he meets a woman, Anna, the woman with the lapdog. She is young and quite, drawn back and is young enough to be his daughters. He starts having an intimate relationship with Anna and soon is spending every day with her, and cant stop thinking about her. When Dmirty goes back home to Moscow he is miserable, he cant stop thinking about Anna and has to see her. He goes to her little town, that we know as S. It is strange to me that we do not know the full name of the town where Anna lives.

By the end of the story Dmitry finally finds love, it is not a traditional love, and it is not honest. THey seem to really understnad eachother but Dmitry still has a hard time showing affection and that perplexes me. He has changed drascitaclly through the story but not enough to prove to me that he actaully loves Anna. I want to know more i wanted Dmitry to verbally show us his emotions.

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